Qualitative market research
Research: deep dive for Insights
“True research begins where certainty ends—it's the courage to embrace uncertainty and uncover the hidden layers of human behavior.”
— Anonymous
Training Interviewing
“To truly understand, a researcher must go beyond the surface of answers—interviewing is an art of attuning to the respondent’s world.”
— Anonymous
Workshops purpose and identity
“A strong sense of purpose unites an organization, cutting through the noise and giving clarity to each step forward.”
— Anonymous
What People Are Saying
There is a great diversity within Health Care Professionals. Atrium, my former employer, wanted to get to know these Professionals better; what drives them and what are their experiences with food supplements. We have consciously chosen Greet to conduct qualitative market research for us. She is a true professional who does not get stuck in careful statements because the 'n' is too small. She bases this on sound psychological models. Her reports were carefully drafted from the strategic questions and fully adorned with striking statements so that the perception of the respondents remained close. Greet is also a great sparring partner and a respectful, to-the-point interviewer..”
— Delilah Hesseling
“Met Greet hebben we veel samengewerkt als het ging om het doorgronden van taaie, lastige vraagstukken in communicatie resp. positionering. Operationeel keken we vaak mee via een transparante spiegel of op camera: Greet onderscheidt zich van anderen doordat zij altijd(!) een stap verder, dieper, anders, aan de slag ging en mede daardoor de (vaak verdraaid verrassende) analyses deed. Haar werkveld lag voor ons in fast moving, financial, diensten - en ongeacht de historie van het merk of de organisatie, wist zij met haar graafwerk en kundige samenvattingen steeds te verrassen en/of op de juiste pijnplek te vinden. On top off geeft zij richting: waar kan of moet het merk heen, waar hangt laag fruit, waar zit de verdieping dan wel de verbinding en waar liggen kansen op termijn.
— Jacques Koster