Workshop Purpose and Identity
Sharp(er) positioning on the market due to a clear and coherent face.
Stronger focus on the target group(s) (and letting go of non-target groups)
Clear direction and agreement for communication and innovation;
Less internal, energy consuming discussions about strategy and actions
A basis for further organizational development. Because 'Identity' goes beyond brands and marketing!
A workshop with your marketing and/or management team
Guidance in every step of the process (preparation, workshop and aftercare)
The output of the workshop is the Identity Compass of your organization: a compact, clear document with the six elements of Identity: Reason to exist, vision, mission and promise, values, strengths and ambitions. The Identity Compass is the guiding principle for any action for your brand or organization
Your workshop is tailor-made based on your question, needs and possibilities.
Over the last years, I created an Identity compass for organizations in different areas: consumer products, the agricultural sector, healthcare, non-profit and food industry